We can learn much from our Savior in that He sought the Father in prayer. This journal provides mini-lessons based on the "I AM" sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. These sayings will help you think deeper about who Jesus is and who you are in His presence.
This resource will help you pray when the words don't come easily. God hears you and He knows what you need before you speak. Once you've completed these 25 prayers, you will have meditated on God's word. You'll be restored and refreshed deep within your soul by seeking Him in prayer, daily. What You'll Find Inside:
This prayer notebook is the perfect companion to the Seek Him Prayer Journal. This notebook is the right size for teens and adults who want to strengthen their walk with God by journaling their prayers and praises.
chicken soup for the
I am honored to have TWO running stories in this most excellent and inspirational book!
These 101 real-life stories will motivate and inspire you to get out there and walk or run!
Everyone needs a boost to power through those first steps in the morning or those last steps of a grueling race. And there’s no better motivation than hearing from people who have changed their lives through running or walking. The benefits to your physical and mental health from hitting the road or the trail are boundless. In these pages you’ll meet men and women who have run or walked off hundreds of pounds, who’ve conquered injuries, depression, or anxiety, who’ve made friends, repaired relationships, switched careers—all through the miracle of getting outside and moving their bodies. As ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes says, “Getting out there creates camaraderie, confidence… and calm.” |